The Journey of Becoming

Somewhere around 15 years ago, I fell in love with the word becoming.  By some definitions, it means beautiful, attractive, complementing. By others and more often, it means more “in the process of”, as in my children are (hopefully) becoming more mature, or more aptly, this fabulous green velvet is becoming a gorgeous pillow.

Every time I unroll a bolt of fabric, I see potential. Stuck on the bolt, it becomes useless. It doesn’t warm anyone’s bed, brighten a room, uplift a dreary day, snuggle a baby or child’s head. But oh what it can become. Much like us. We can sit back and stagnate and become useless. Or we can allow ourselves to become something better, truer, purer. We can warm our family bed, brighten someone’s room, uplift someone’s dreary day, snuggle a baby or child’s head (sigh, my favorite).

My heart with Becoming Designs is just that—that the simple soft goods I fabricate bring so much more than just decor. That the pieces become ushers of love, joy, peace in a home, that they warm bodies and souls. And yeah, that they look freaking awesome too.

And so, four years in, this humble business has already come a long way and yet is itself still becoming. I have very high hopes for just what ....

The green velvet did in fact become four gorgeous pillows! 

The green velvet did in fact become four gorgeous pillows!