The Picture of Love
/If there's one thing I've learned the past ten years of marriage and child-rearing, it's that relationships of all kinds require work. Time, effort, love, patience, grace. What I didn't expect was for my husband of ten years to express that concept so perfectly and appropriately in the form of actual sweat-and-ache-inducing labor (hmmmm....but doesn't that ring true, fellow mamas? I'm myself remembering 12 hours of love-equals-sweat-and-pain-labor about 10 months ago.....).
With Becoming Designs, what started out as a testing of the business waters four years ago has turned into a pretty legit enterprise that blesses our family and hopefully eases my husband's financial burden just a bit. It is a creative outlet for me, a way to show my children (especially those daughters!) how to be a working mom in the home, and an opportunity to meet and bless others in the community. Amazing! And I thank God for it!
But so, for the past few years, I've dreamed of my own drapery/sewing worktable. I've searched and waited, waited and searched, hoping to find something locally that we could either hack into the perfect table or use as-is....and all my waiting and searching produced not much at all sadly. Recently with business growing, we decided that one way or the other, it was Table Time. Thus my dearest husband--and his generous father--commenced to toil for an entire week in the Houston hot and humid for me. For me! This husband of mine believes in me, in my work, he supports me and, when needed, he works for me. Hard. Years of knee-and-back-breaking work on the floor are over. No more! Because the best man I know built me a professional, custom, *ginormous* take-it-to-the-next-level 5'x12'x34" work table. And in doing so, reminded me what true love is, what marriage is, what children and family are: work. And so, so worth it!
Here are some pics of the behind-the-scenes work and finished product. Can't thank you enough, baby. MU2.
My love
Pink to match the biz cards
Almost there